Thursday, June 19, 2008

Strange Justice, Eh?

The next time you hear Canadians snort about how much better their justice system is compared to the U.S., you e-mail them this decision from a Quebec court which overturned a father's decision to ground his daughter. The offense? Logging on to Internet sites he tried to block and posting inappropriate pictures.

As AFP reported:
"I started an appeal of the decision today to reestablish parental authority, and to ensure that this case doesn't set a precedent," [The father's lawyer Kim Beaudoin] said. Otherwise, said Beaudoin, "parents are going to be walking on egg shells from now on."
Your Lightning Round staffers find it interesting that this girl used a court-appointed lawyer that had been involved in the parents' ten-year custody dispute. Ten years.

We don't believe in karma, but any set of Mommies and Daddies who argue over possession that long is bound to get slammed. And it looks like the daughter has learned to play the system like a piano... much like American kids.

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