Thursday, March 27, 2008

Teflon Obama

The Wall Street Journal offers a poll suggesting Sen. Barack Obama's fire-breathing pastor hasn't hurt him in the polls. It's no surprise.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. was never a player in the Obama campaign. He hasn't been by the senator's side like Chuck Norris standing with Mike Huckabee. Obama only dealt with Wright after persistent needling, and when he did, he turned it into a state-of-the-races speech people gushed over.

Sen. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, offered the hey-I'm-human response when confronted with tape contradicting her statements about a visit to Bosnia. It only played into the hands of her opponents, and reminded me of what one pundit suggested about the Clintons: their problem isn't dishonesty but ahonesty. They don't know what the truth is.

But the voters do.

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