Monday, June 22, 2009

Watch Ye Step!

All this week, in honor of the Buccaneer Ball, Captain Bartholomew Burgundy is sharing his favorite pirate privateer dances.

Ahoy 'n greetin's to ye all! Christopher be kindly donatin' some space on 'is blog (curious word, th't is -- sounds likea sailor's disease) for me t' talk to ye about me favourite pastime besides lootin' th' Spanyids.

Now ye gotta know somethin' 'fore we set sail. Mos' pirates I know 'ave the dancin' skills of a seahorse. 'Tis like they 'ave only one foot an' it's curled up undaneath 'em, savvy? Bu' not me, mates! Me pirate poppa insisted I learn th' ways of a gentleman, includin' the dance, 'n more than jus' a groggy jig. Bu' 'e never 'ad time t' teach me, being away raidin' an' such. So I sought out a dancin' master. 'E wasn't th' best for what I coul' afford, bu' I learned wot I coul.

Anyway, I won' bore ye wi' a long shanty. I 'ave a few dances, merry 'n refined, tha' I love, an' 'ere onea them. 'This one's called "Rufty Tufty," 'an is danced by The Vale Islanders:

Aye, somebody be needin' t' move th' urban dinghy!

'Ere's some Medieval folk showin' the' stuff:

I 'ear th' term "Rufty Tufty" refers t' soldiers who be a bit ragged around the edges to make 'em look more intimidatin'... sorta like us seafarers after a long voyage!

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