Friday, June 26, 2009

So Ye Think Ye Can Dance?

Captain Bartholomew Burgundy works up to the finale in his week-long look at piratical prancing, in honor of the Buccaneers' Ball, and it's a doozy.

I often 'm accused 'f not workin' hard enough on me lootin' skills, or me swordfightin', 'r me navigational abilities. Aye, we can' all be Cap'n Jack, now... or even Cap'n Crunch, and I be as guilty 's th' next man.

Perhaps, tho', I'm no' as guilty as these buc'neers, who seem t' be practicin' their footwork mo' th'n their broadsides. Ah always wondered wot would happin' if they made Pirates Of The Carribean into a Broadway show.

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