Friday, May 9, 2008

Ashes To Ashes, Flesh To Flush

One day, what's left of you may go down the drain in a new crematory process that's supposed to be better for the environment.

From the AP:
Since they first walked the planet, humans have either buried or burned their dead. Now a new option is generating interest — dissolving bodies in lye and flushing the brownish, syrupy residue down the drain.

The process is called alkaline hydrolysis. It was developed in this country 16 years ago to get rid of animal carcasses. It uses lye, 300-degree heat and 60 pounds of pressure per square inch to destroy bodies in big stainless-steel cylinders that are similar to pressure cookers.
Giving your dead goldfish an American Standard sendoff is all right, but winding through the S-trap is not my vision of going in style. And let's not even talk about the indignities of Draino.

We already flush enough curious stuff away, as KOLD News 13's Suleika Acosta found out.

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