Monday, October 5, 2009

Black Is Beautiful

While you size up that pair of leggings, we continue our countdown to the Pride & Prejudice Ball with another of my favourites, "The Black Nag," danced by Regency Rejigged at the 2009 Chippenham Folk Festival:

It is another dance I have found easy to learn. But, Dearest Friends, I must admit this dance dates back long before Jane Austen's time. In fact, you might find it in that book by John Playford. A few of my Renaissance friends know it quite well, and they are quite happy to demonstrate:

Now I have heard real Regency dancers, ahem, would not have even approached anything in the Playford book, but as for my historical friends and myself, we tend to think a little broader on the timeline. Otherwise, we would often deprive ourselves of some of our favourite capers, not to mention the waltz!

So come now, let us not be too fussy. I am willing to wager more than a few of Austen's contemporaries had a wistful desire for the oldies but goodies. Elegance never goes out of style, no?

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1 comment:

Suzanne. said...

The Black Nag! I have loved that tune for over 20 years, and I can whack it out on a hammer dulcimer, but it is well nigh impossible on a mandolin. I learned it from a Bill Spence vinyl, which somebody uploaded for me :-) (I don't get the graphics, though.) I l ove this tune, I love this tune, I love this tune!