Thursday, June 18, 2009

Save A Fly, Swat PETA Instead... Or A Reporter

If you haven't heard about the latest hubbub surrounding President Obama and that fly he swatted, good for you. If you have, then you probably weren't surprised by PETA's response, which suggested he should've used a humane bug catcher instead.

Once I rolled my eyes back into their proper position, I took a closer look at this tempest in a no-pest strip and found something even more annoying than that fly: according to PETA, reporters actually contacted the organization for a response after hearing about the fly-swat incident.

In the words of John McEnroe, "You cannot be serious!"

We all know a basic tenant of journalism is to present all sides, but asking PETA for a response to a fly swat is like asking Charles Manson what he thinks of parole boards. I don't know what's sillier: the question or the response.

PETA has done a lot to make me suspect their statement about being contacted by reporters, but if it's true, I can only guess these media folks thought they were trying to be fair and balanced.

I dunno, maybe flies are ripping them on the cable news channels.

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