Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wants Versus Needs Versus Twitter

Floyd Norris writes about a Pew Research Center poll showing evidence our notions of essential things -- like TV's and clothes dryers -- aren't so essential anymore. The post itself is short, but read on to the comments for the real insight.

Drudge highlights the finding that only 52% think television is a necessity. That's not a good finding for my chosen craft, but we're working hard to diversify.

Our latest weapon is Twitter. I will admit to you I resisted the Twitter revolution for as long as I could. But in a 24/7 newsroom, which feeds on Late Breaking News, I'm finding it boon for sending out micro-updates to news junkies. A lot of people could care less about what I'm doing right now, but I bet they'd like to know that Tucson City Manager Mike Hein just got fired, that bad accident on Ajo, what J.D., Mark and Teresa are working on for the 10, the video from our story on credit card fraud just got posted, and so forth. I think of Twitter as texting on steroids, and a lot less expensive (although linking Twitter to a cell phone is an invitation for disaster if you don't have an unlimited use plan).

TV is going to be our primary business at KOLD, as long as that brings in the most ad dollars. That will change over time, but it's encouraging to see is one of Tucson's most popular websites. If I had my way, I'd add at least two more web producers to our staff. But Brian, bless him, does the work of two people and puts up with my often-cantankerous newsroom personality to boot.

Twitter may not be a neccesity yet, but it's moving in that direction.

For now, I'll let you decide:

Follow me on Twitter at work: cfrancisKOLD.

Follow other KOLD News 13 updates: KOLD_News13.

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