Saturday, March 25, 2006

"You Look A Little Too Happy To Be Here."

That's yours truly at the Arizona Renaissance Festival, kilted to the hilt and loving every second of it. The title quote comes from the ticket taker at the gate, himself costumed, when he saw the smile on my face as I passed by.

For the uninitiated, you can rent costumes right outside the gate. The fee is not outrageous -- about $30 for me. Yes, it's a little long. And yes, if you have to ask, I was wearing undies. I thought about keeping my dress shorts on in the changing room.

"Take off your shorts," the attendant said.

I thought about it some more. But since the kilt fell below my knee, I decided to risk potential embarassment.

Walking around in a kilt is quite comfortable. I just wish I wore actual kilt hose instead of those socks! Calm wind helps too. Sometimes you have to sit like a girl. I don't care. I have a "brave heart."

I could tell you more about the day, with its shows and jousting and chivalrous revelry. I enjoyed it. But after a few recent timeline travels which involved much more interaction, simply dressing the part isn't cutting it any more. I feel like I have to go further, which in this case probably meant dancing the Highland Fling... something which I didn't have the opportunity to do.

What does this mean? For me, living history means living it. But a time will come, I promise you. Keep your kilts on.

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