Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Didn't We Fight A Revolution Over This?

New York wants to tax iPod downloads, movie tickets, cab rides, soda, cigars and massages -- and more -- to close a $15.4 billion budget hole.

From the NY Daily News:
"The governor is nickel-and-diming working class families," said Ron Deutsch, executive director of New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness, an advocacy group.

State Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long warned that reinstating the sales tax on clothing and shoes will drive people to New Jersey, where they will also gas up their cars and pick up their wine, spirits and soda because the prices are less due to lower taxes. "You're sending notice to the people of New York that we really don't want you here," Long said.
Next up: a tax on paper, paint, lead, glass, tea and playing cards.

At least this time we have representation... maybe. The prevailing sentiment from comments in the Daily News article is New Yorkers did this to themselves with too many social programs. No blaming King George III this time.

1 comment:

fraizerbaz said...

I've just read someone's commentary suggesting that there be an additional tax on gasoline, since oil is so cheap now. Supposedly to create new jobs, but I am highly skeptical that the revenue would do just that. It would more then likely just go into some Fat Cat's wallet.