Sunday, February 20, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson: The Original Blogger

Gonzo journalist Dr. Hunter S. Thompson committed suicide at his home in Aspen, Colorado. His last column was vintage Thompson: crossing guns with golf. Leave it to the doc to find a way to work a gun into anything.

But consider this as you look back on his trippy, alcohol- and drug-influenced career. He was the original blogger. Maybe somebody will come around and prove me wrong, but think about it. Thompson made his name writing anything he wanted with little editorial restraint, little respect for authority, and allegiance to nobody. Once upon a time they called that "New Journalism." And then came the Internet.

I'm sure Thompson is somewhere thinking right now, "Man, this is the worst hangover I've ever had," much like his comic-strip alter-ego Duke once said many years ago. We'll miss you, man.

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